From Jarrett’s interview on
Video Transcript
In my jurisdiction there are
corporations who compete for contracts
multi-million dollar contracts and when
they’re awarded these contracts they
assume the responsibility to ensure the
safety and Welfare of foster children
and they are court ordered to find
appropriate placements for these
children and help secure permanent
stable living Arrangements but along the
way I have handled cases where those
corporations have failed to properly
train their employees and failed to
follow appropriate protocol and with
catastrophic consequences people ending
up in a permanent vegetative state
because of a drug overdose um people
being found dead in a park without
proper medical
attention and another instance where um
a foster care
Corporation ignored signs that a foster
parent was grooming a young girl they
ignored that and the girl ended up being
raped repeatedly I feel a sense of
privilege when I’ve been asked to kind
of look behind the curtain at the
bureaucracy and um identify the many
missteps that lead to these tragedies
and not only do I work to obtain Justice
for those people or their families but I
hope that my acts ultimately to a
correction in the system Statewide so
that we don’t face these tragedies
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