


Get Started

We treat each adoption as a special and joyous celebration for parents to come together to form families through the help of the Court and strategic planning by the adoption attorney. We have significant experience in adoptive services and will strategically plan the steps necessary for a successful adoption. We are often involved in contested adoptions in which two sets of parents desire the adoption of a child. Our experience allows us to give our clients the best chance of success in this often-times, highly contentious atmosphere. We understand that the family is one of the most important cornerstones to the success of our society and we certainly do not shirk from the responsibility to achieve the goal of bringing families together through the legal system. We also work with adoption agencies in Kansas City to make the process as seamless as possible for all parties.

Approaching Adoption as a Birth Mother

Prospective birth mothers often have many questions. Please feel free to give us a call to discuss your options.

We Have the Resources to Help

We have the knowledge, expertise, and experience to explain adoption in an easy to understand manner. We will not try to convince a prospective birth mother that she should pursue adoption, for they are keenly aware that adoption is an intensely personal, private decision, which is not right for everyone. We provide the necessary information for a prospective birth mother to decide if adoption is the right decision for her and her unborn baby. Although they do not typically represent prospective birth mothers, they will make all of the arrangements for an adoption if that is the birth mother’s decision and will be available to answer her questions and arrange for other supportive services, such as counseling and separate legal representation, if she wishes. Likewise, they will provide you a number of options in selecting prospective adoptive parents Additionally, as a private adoption legal practice, we screen and exhaustively investigate prospective adoptive parents and will review and discuss them with you. If you would like to schedule a free, confidential consultation to learn more about our practice, contact us today. Speaking with one of our adoption attorneys places you under no legal or financial obligation.

Tell Us About Your Case

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